What would a Jnani do? Jnanis like Param Krupalu Dev are living embodiments of the scriptures. Here is a simple tool to help you align your thoughts and actions with that of a Jnani Everyday, we are confronted with situations that require us to respond to them. Sometimes we find ourselves at a loss, unsure of what the best response would be. The life and teachings of a Jnani – an Enlightened One provide us with the lessons needed to sail through these situations. Try the following steps the next time you find yourself in such a situation: Step 1 Visualise your beloved Jnani in front of you. Step 2 Look deeply into His eyes and request His assistance in your time of need. Ask Him: ‘Oh Master, what would You do?’ Step 3 Pause, visualise how He would think, how He would respond. Let your connection to Him be your guide. Let the right response come naturally through the connection. Step 4 Respond in a way that your Guide would be proud of you. Step 5 Offer gratitude at His Lotus Feet for always being there for you. Strive to become an image of your beloved Jnani through the repeated use of this technique. Topicsenlightmentmeditationsadgurusurrender Quotes I am a peaceful & blissful soul.' Meditate on this in solitude, to take it from the knowing level to the feeling level. Your net worth does not matter, if you wear a million-dollar smile & bear kindness for all beings. Invoke the power to discern between virtues and vices - to remove the vices and be enriched with virtues. Mahatma Gandhi was more than just an individual. He epitomised passion and compassion. View All #SadguruWhispers Invoke the power to discern between virtues and vices - to remove the vices and be enriched with virtues. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates