Home News Gurupurnima Shibir 2024
Gurupurnima Shibir 2024

Gurupurnima Shibir 2024

A whirlwind of grace and an overflow of gratitude, this Gurupurnima, the confluence of Guru and disciple shone brightly at Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Dharampur. A soul-stirring drama, ‘Piche Laag Satpurush ke’ had the audience absorbed in gratitude for the Guru’s unfathomable compassion. The morning of Gurupurnima saw heartfelt dedications with a dance on ‘Devvandan’ and a special pravachan by the Master. A meditative Ashtaprakari puja of Param Krupalu Dev had the gathering frozen in devotion. The celebrations gathered further momentum as every seeker present had the invaluable opportunity of Pujya Gurudevshri’s charansparsh.

#SadguruWhispers Choose your thoughts responsibly. Repeated thoughts turn into your feelings which are then difficult to change.