Home News Back-to-School Distribution Drive in the US
Back-to-School Distribution Drive in the US

Back-to-School Distribution Drive in the US

Between July 21 and September 15, Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care organised an educational aids distribution drive across 16 cities in the United States of America to support underprivileged students. As the students prepared to return to school after the summer break, they were provided with supplies like notebooks, pens, folders, backpacks etc., packing them with enthusiasm for the new academic year.

The drive mobilised hundreds of volunteers aged 5 to 75, who helped source, pack and distribute over 85,000 educational items. Supplies were given to local community centres and public schools, majority of which are ‘Title I’ schools which receive government funding to assist low-income students. Centres also partnered with local NGOs to maximise outreach efforts.

The 16 centres included Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Cherry Hill, Dallas, Edison, Houston, Indianapolis, Long Island, Los Angeles, Parsippany, Philadelphia, Princeton, San Diego, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., benefitting over 30 schools and organisations.

Several recipients expressed their gratitude. Ms. Ashley Davis, Corporate Relations Director at Community Partners of Dallas, shared, “The children we serve often don’t start the school year with the supplies they need. Thanks to your contributions, we can provide them with the essentials to begin a successful school year!” Ms. Amanda Chansingh, Coordinator of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Brentwood Union Free School District, New York, added, “Your generous contribution of supplies was invaluable. Your dedication to service and your philosophy of love and care are truly inspiring!”

Students in San Diego and Austin left heartfelt handwritten Thank-you notes for volunteers. A 6th grade student from Wangenheim Middle School, San Diego wrote, “I got some items for my brother and myself. He is in kindergarten and he loved the stuff! My mom cannot really afford these things and we really love that you helped us. Thank you!”

We express our gratitude to Pujya Gurudevshri for leading by example and teaching us how to serve others selflessly!

#SadguruWhispers You are in prison if you cannot let go of your past. You are free if you unhook from it.