Pujya Gurudevshri’s Mesmeric Address An extraordinary expression of reverence by Pujya Gurudevshri, Whose every pore pulsates with supreme devotion unto Param Krupalu Dev Obeisance with utmost devotion to the conferer of unequalled refuge, my Shri Sadgurudev Shrimad Rajchandraji The visionary leader of India and blessed son of Gujarat – Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi, a confluence of wisdom and power- Honourable Governor of Gujarat Shri O. P. Kohliji, a torchbearer for the progress of Gujarat and compassion for living beings – Honourable Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, an ardent custodian of the glory of culture – Honourable Deputy Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Nitinbhai Patel, dignitaries seated on the dais and my friends present in this august gathering The place where today’s grand occasion is being celebrated is the Sabarmati Ashram. In its foundation lie the principles and purity of India’s Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhiji. Gandhiji’s life means a life of experimentation, examination and exploration. Gandhiji has not just given commands but he has given an ideology of life that is alive even after so many years of his passing. One may wonder, how did such an extraordinary revolution emerge in Gandhiji’s beliefs? Where did the spark of light for the fire of transformation in his life come from? It is said that whichever virtue manifests in us, that is inherited. This does not mean that the virtues we have are attained from our forefathers in inheritance. Its intent is that when we see these virtues alive in someone, we get influenced by them and through practice they manifest in us. Something similar happened in Gandhiji’s life too. After becoming a barrister, when he returned from England to India, he met with the Ocean of virtues, Shrimad Rajchandraji. Gandhiji saw truth, non-violence, compassion, detachment, and many such virtues throbbing, breathing, embodied in Him. Experiencing this blossomed flower called Shrimad Rajchandraji, his inner flower began to bloom and the fragrance of virtues spread all over. Offering credit to Shrimadji for moulding his life, Gandhiji, in 1921, in this very Ahmedabad city, on the occasion of Shrimadji’s Birth Anniversary celebrations expressed in his speech that – ‘I have learnt a lot from the lives of many. But it is from the Poet’s life that I have learnt the most.’ By the touch of such a Philosopher’s stone-like Enlightened Being, a revolution transpired in the beliefs of Mohandas. His thoughts changed direction and the soul was transformed. Shrimadji’s association and His teachings had such an unfading impact on Gandhiji that from the jail in Africa, he wrote a letter to Henry Polak, in which he says – ‘The more I consider his life and his writings, the more I consider him to have been the best Indian of his times.’ By His divine state, extraordinary personality, and remarkable literary compositions, like Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra; One who illumined the civilized and culturally rich land of India with the light of spirituality is Yugpurush Shrimad Rajchandraji. If I am asked to give a brief introduction of Shrimadji, I would say just this much that Shrimad Rajchandra means an invitation to turn within. This invitation card has just two words – Shrimad Rajchandra. But the moment it is received, one feels inspired to connect with the Self. Shrimad Rajchandraji is not just a historic event, it is an existence absorbed in the stream of eternal consciousness. Shrimad Rajchandraji is not this outer frame, it is consciousness revelling in the state beyond the body. He Himself has expressed that – ‘Whether I have a body or not, I can barely register when remembered.’ When an enlightened awakened consciousness like Shrimad Rajchandraji gives counsel to awaken others, at that time four types of responses are seen in the society. One, those who are not interested in waking up, who feel comfortable sleeping; this class disregards the teachings of the One wanting to awaken them. Those who are proud that they know the way to wake up will oppose the way of the One wanting to awaken them. Another group will worship the One wanting to awaken them, but they will not internalise His teachings and endeavour to awaken themselves. And the fourth class is the group of adventurous aspirants who, considering that living the teachings of the One wanting to awaken them alone is true devotion unto Him, endeavour to wake up. This alone is true spiritual journey. Religion is following the messenger, but spirituality is following the message. Worship of Shrimad Rajchandraji will be considered successful only if we strive to become like Him through the worship. We live our lives in such a way, with such principles, with such love that the world feels that Shrimad Rajchandraji has arrived again. This is the opportunity to manifest Shrimadji within. Let us take a pledge today that we will live such a life that the world will say Shrimad Rajchandra Part Two has arrived. The manifestation of Shrimad Rajchandra Part Two alone is the true fruit of celebrating Shrimad Rajchandraji’s 150th Birth Anniversary and that alone is the prayer at the Lotus Feet of the Lord. Promulgating Shrimad Rajchandraji’s holy name and supreme teachings, today the Government of India is launching commemorative coins and postal stamp in His honour and that too at the hands of a personage who has high respect and regard for Shrimadji, our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi, which is a reason of joy and enthusiasm for all of us. His heart-touching words expressed for Shrimadji at His birthplace Vavania and repeated reference to Shrimadji in his speech on last 15th August from the Red Fort shows his reverence for the Great Masters. To have a politician coloured in the hues of spirituality is indeed a great fortune for India. Having reverence for Saints, Great Men and Sages, the knowledge of the roots of Indian culture and the capability to lead the Nation towards progress, the confluence of these three virtues can be seen in Shri Narendrabhai Modi. For being present on this grand occasion and enhancing the greatness of this event, I extend on behalf of the entire Raj Parivar, a heartfelt appreciation to our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi, Honourable Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijaybhai Rupani and other dignitaries. 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