Home Spiritual Activities Swadhyaykar Shibirs Satsangs Satsang Shibirs Dharmayatras Swadhyaykar Shibirs Swadhyaykar Shibirs “Know that you have been brought together for a higher purpose. Support each other to blossom spiritually and experience the charisma of satsang.” ~ Pujya Gurudevshri ~ Guided by Pujya Gurudevshri, swadhyaykars are trained teachers who travel world over to conduct wisdom workshops, self-development courses and customised programmes, addressing the diverse needs of many, including seekers, the youth and corporate organisations, amongst others. Courses Schedule Organise a Course Paravartanas by Swadhyaykars Corporate Retreats Swadhyaykar shibirs provide innovative and time-tested techniques for developing new mindsets for positive change. Choose from a host of themes intended for personal growth, such as philosophy, rituals, meditation, mind management, relationships, leadership, social service and skill building. Duration of the courses range from 1 session of 1.5 hours to 9 sessions spread across a few days. Expand your horizons and attain mastery of your life. Features Interactive &Practical Introspection &Meditation Customised & Diverse Universal & Open to All Our courses are built to help you: Understand your thoughts, emotions, actions and responses better. Study the depths of subjects, sharpen your knowledge, and apply it. Attain clarity, creativity, confidence, collaboration and connection. Transform your perspectives, apply the learnings, and build spiritual maturity. Our range of courses include: x Jain Rituals Jinpuja – Connect with the Divine Understand the why and how of Jinpuja. Deepen your connection with the Divine through body, mind and soul. KNOW MORE Demystifying Chaityavandan – Understand the Meaning Behind the Ritual Learn the purpose behind Chaityavandan and experience greater connection through this ritual that is daily practice for millions of Jains. KNOW MORE Ahimsa Parmo Dharma – Non-Violence, a Way of Life Adapt ahimsa in your life in an inspiring way. Go beyond the textbook definition of non-violence to experience to live… KNOW MORE Karma Management – Steer Your Life to Happiness Learn the art of managing karma so that they do not bind you but rather become a stepping-stone to living… KNOW MORE Living Dharma – Daan, Sheel, Tapa, Bhaav When dharma is woven into life, it opens up the hallowed pathway to supreme bliss. Infuse your spiritual pursuits with… KNOW MORE Introduction to Jainism – Path of the Conquerors Dive deep into the principles of ahimsa, anekant and aparigraha. Learn how to live honourably according to Lord Mahavir’s fundamental… KNOW MORE x Life and Works of Shrimad Rajchandraji Pushpamala - Sculpt a Worthy Life Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad Rajchandraji brings the melody of moral conduct, the dance of bliss and the colour of purity… KNOW MORE Raj Katha - Meet with the Embodiment of Spirituality Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad Rajchandraji is a torchbearer of the present times. Raj Katha is a spiritual dip into Shrimadji’s… KNOW MORE Rajpada (3 Part Series) – An Eternal Spring of Spirituality Immerse in the spiritual works and poems of Shrimad Rajchandraji. Each one is complete with easy-to-process answers to fundamental spiritual… KNOW MORE Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Complete Guide to Self-Realisation An interactive course that enables a new way of experiencing Shrimad Rajchandraji’s magnum opus – the complete map and handy… KNOW MORE Chha Padno Patra – Fundamentals for Freedom Gain insights to queries about the soul; existence, its eternal nature, its acquisition of karmic bondage, the consequences of that… KNOW MORE Kshamapana – Introspection to Purification Retreat from sin through self-reflection and become free from faults. A session to jumpstart your journey from flaws to purity. KNOW MORE Hey Prabhu! Hey Prabhu! Shu Kahu? - Dissolve in Divine Devotion Experience a gushing stream of repentance through the immense strength that is the refuge of the Sadguru’s Lotus Feet. Forge… KNOW MORE Apurva Avsar – Landmark Your Way to Liberation Traverse the inspiring journey of purification from the finite to the final destination of complete liberation. KNOW MORE x Sessions on Philosophy Samyak Darshan - The First Step on the Path of Liberation Samyak darshan or right belief is the ultimate purpose of the human existence.Learn about the nature of samyak darshan, the… KNOW MORE Samadhi Maran: The Death of Death A doorway to move from death towards immortality. Through the strength of living an equanimous life, when the end hour… KNOW MORE Brahmacharya – Manifest your Infinite Energy Explore the spiritual benefits of brahmacharya or celibacy. Learn how to reinvest energy in a way that will increase it,… KNOW MORE Devvandan – Stepping Towards Divinity Everyday Created as per the guidance of Pujyashri Lalluji Muni Devvandan is part of daily prayers of Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad… KNOW MORE x Self-Development Series Key to Happiness – Uncover Your Latent Treasures In spite of yearning to experience permanent happiness, you continue to fall for fleeting pleasures. Take a flight inwards to… KNOW MORE Paint Everyday with Joy – Make Each Day Count Like a good artist, you will learn how easy it is to paint the canvas of your life with the… KNOW MORE Living in a Designer’s World – Be the Architect of Your Life Is it possible to live in a world where everything goes your way? If it is, is there anyone who… KNOW MORE Surrender – Freedom from Choice Understand surrender in its deepest sense to access true independence and a taste of lasting joy through the simple yet… KNOW MORE Forgiveness - Reset for the Future Practice of forgiveness to reveal your innate joy. Channel your emotional and mental energy in order to heal your heart… KNOW MORE Loving Yourself – the Art of Self-Healing Recognise your inner beauty and unleash the treasure of potential in you. Love yourself and say good-bye to tension, frustration… KNOW MORE Embracing Change – Accept the Unexpected How you respond to change has the power to impact your life and the lives of those around you. Learn… KNOW MORE Fear Detox – Release Toxic Thoughts, Embrace Life! Through simple tools, you will learn to change your mindset, release your fears and embrace the world with courage and… KNOW MORE Wave Goodbye to Worries – A Five-Step Routine Learn the proven and powerful five-step routine to deal with worries effectively. Bid farewell to worrying and welcome ease and… KNOW MORE Art of Introspection – Unveil your Inner Brilliance The mind is a promising but complex instrument. Explore the art of peeping into our inner world to cleanse the… KNOW MORE x Family and Relationships Parent Yourself to Parent your Child – Responsible Parenting Learn to hone your skills as parents and be the ideal role models we would happily want your children to… KNOW MORE Parent Practice – Wise Parenting Learn practical ways to update your parenting skills. Gain confidence to ensure that you are doing what is most beneficial… KNOW MORE Building Bridges – Construct Your Way to Better Relationships Earn your mastery in inner architecture, aimed at breaking the walls of negativity. Learn to construct bridges of love and… KNOW MORE Creating Connections – Build Bonds with Your Children Create a positive home environment and form lasting bonds with your children. Infuse affirmations, breathing and movements to make meaningful… KNOW MORE Parenting Grace – Strengthening Relationships Using your five senses in a unique manner, this session will help you master the skills needed to overcome the… KNOW MORE x Spotlight on Youth Practice - Track your Spiritual Growth Discover the benefits of tracking progress and experimenting with yourself. Explore different ways of tracking progress and achieve results from… KNOW MORE Path to Perfection - Make Excellence your Choice Discover the method of deriving perfection from all your activities. Learn habit forming skills and a four-stepped approach to discipline… KNOW MORE Performing with a Purpose – Make Your Dreams a Reality What is your purpose for performing an activity? Learn goal setting, balance and the art of creating a vision board… KNOW MORE The Power of Planning - Strategise to Succeed Learn the benefits of preparing and planning. Find a way to counter your own opposing thoughts and establish positive thoughts… KNOW MORE Passion – Discover the Five Elements Challenge the word no through this session that will help you discover the five elements of passion. KNOW MORE Positivity Made Practical - Implement Optimism with Ease The essence of positivity is in the word itself. Enjoy this journey of cultivating a positive outlook towards all activities… KNOW MORE x Organisational Excellence Key to Happiness – Uncover Your Latent Treasures In spite of yearning to experience permanent happiness, you continue to fall for fleeting pleasures. Take a flight inwards to… KNOW MORE Embracing Change – Accept the Unexpected How you respond to change has the power to impact your life and the lives of those around you. Learn… KNOW MORE Wave Goodbye to Worries – A Five-Step Routine Learn the proven and powerful five-step routine to deal with worries effectively. Bid farewell to worrying and welcome ease and… KNOW MORE Self-Investment Tools - Tap into Your Infinite Potential! Re-examine the fundamentals of life and discover five ways to ensure success in your personal and professional life. KNOW MORE x Spirit of Seva The Gift of Seva – Am I a True Sevak? Selfless service is an opportunity for the disciple to express gratitude towards the Master. Bring an increased sense of fulfillment… KNOW MORE Gandhi Katha – A Glorious Story of Experiments with Truth A story of ever-increasing virtues, of a struggle for freedom, of the gospel of selfless action! Witness the glorious saga… KNOW MORE Glory to Seva - Living with an Offering Consciousness This interactive session is designed for those grateful ones who are seeking fulfilment of life in expressing their love, friendliness,… KNOW MORE Paravartanas by Swadhyaykars Paravartanas are a unique opportunity for seekers to delve deeper into the profound teachings shared by Pujya Gurudevshri during His discourses. These sessions facilitate a comprehensive review and discussion of the key concepts and insights presented initially, through a Q&A format. Paravartanas enable seekers to go on a journey of reflection and inquiry, giving them the opportunity to internalise the wisdom gained from Pujya Gurudevshri’s discourses. Corporate Retreats Corporate Retreats at Dharampur Ashram are a wholesome and high-impact experience of wisdom, introspection, collaboration, and service – focusing on engaging, enriching, and energising the workforce. The residential programme includes discourse by Pujya Gurudevshri, morning yoga and meditation, management sessions, group activities and games, visits to service-based institutions. Benefits Promotes Team Work & Team Spirit Improves Management & Leadership Skills Enhances Individual Productivity & Team Efficiency Boosts Self Confidence Testimonials “A spiritual outlook is the most engaged and productive of all. Corporate Programmes at Dharampur Ashram are personally satisfying and powerful experiences. They allow you to grasp the present moment and enjoy it to the fullest, while feeling immense gratitude, love, hope and commitment towards your life and your work.” ~~Bhavin Rupani~~ Jasani Group “The visit installed and reinvented the values of serving the society and helped to think more about the purpose of life. It was a great experience as it has also helped me to be stronger mentally.” ~~Surabh Pandey~~ Team Head, Sales Force “It was a delightful experience and gave me the insight that inner transformation is the catalyst that brings about success in the outer world.” ~~Adil Bhesani~~ Chief, Learning and Development, Pidilite Industries Corporate and Institutional Partners Entrepreneurs, start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses, higher educational institutions, and Fortune 500 companies have all equally benefitted from the corporate workshops, led by swadhyaykars. Pidilite Industries Calyx Pharma Jasani Group Orbit Lifesciences Diatrend SLM & Co. LLP Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad Department of Labor (DoL), USA Vanguard Insurance, USA VSolvit, USA Organize a Course in Your City Submission was successful. Click here to reset the form An error occured. Click here to reset the form Get in Touch For Swadhyaykar Shibirs: workshops@srmd.org For Corporate Retreats: corporate.training@srmd.org x Meet the Swadhyaykars Atmarpit Nemiji Atmarpit Maulikji Atmarpit Kothariji Atmarpit Rajuji Atmarpit Rakshitji Atmarpit Harshadji Atmarpit Kinjalji Atmarpit Snehalji Atmarpit Siddhiji Atmarpit Fagunji Atmarpit Vidhiji Atmarpit Shivaniji Atmarpit Smrutiji Rajubhai Vora Vanprastha Bina Shah Vanprastha Dr. Atul Shah Vanprastha Dr. Bharat Shah Vanprastha Dilip Pasad Vanprastha Dilip Jasani Vanprastha Daksha Shah Vanprastha Dr. Bhavna Shah Vanprastha Dr. Piyush Shah Related Products View All Sessions on Bhaav Puja by Atmarpit Rajuji VIEW DETAILS Hey Prabhu! Hey Prabhu! Shu Kahu VIEW DETAILS Apurva Avsar VIEW DETAILS Kshamapna VIEW DETAILS The Happiness Sensex VIEW DETAILS Dealing with Anger Effectively VIEW DETAILS Sadhakni Yuddhniti VIEW DETAILS Related Articles Freedom from Prejudice Have you found yourself stuck in your concepts? Have you ever confronted someone only to realise you had… #anekantvada#awareness#empathy#spiritual growth 5 Learnings from Dharma Dharma should touch your whole being, not just your tongue. Dharma is the true wealth of a seeker.… #dharma#inspiration Life - A Priceless Opportunity You are alive only if you have a higher purpose in life. Pujya Gurudevshri here tells us to… #dharma#goal of life#purpose of life#religion#spiritual growth The Secret of Happiness We are constantly running after trifling joys and away from trivial sorrows. Pujya Gurudevshri reveals the fallacy behind… #bliss#enlightened one/enlightened ones#happiness#jainism#spirituality View All #SadguruWhispers Dharma should touch your whole being, not just your tongue. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates