Home Wisdom Articles Shrimadji Rajchandraji Shrimadji Letters Patrank – 721

Patrank – 721

Nadiad, Aso Vad Amas, 1952

Shri Dungar has a wish to memorise “Atmasiddhi”. For that, you asked about giving him that copy, so there is no problem in doing that. Shri Dungar has the ajna (consent) of memorising that Shastra (scripture), but at present, without making a second copy of it, it is appropriate to memorise from this existing copy alone. And for now, you may give this copy to Shri Dungar. Convey to him that he should return it after memorising, but do not make another copy.

The knowledge which is the cause for immense exhaustion of karma, if that knowledge goes into the hands of an unworthy one, then it most likely ends up becoming harmful to him.

Earlier, from Shri Sobhag, a copy of some letters have gone into the hands of some few unworthy ones.

First, from him, it goes to the right person, and later, from that person, it goes to a wrong person, I am aware that it is possible for this to happen. In relation to “Atmasiddhi”, it is not proper for either of you to behave other than the ajna (what has been commanded). That alone is the request.


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