Home Wisdom Articles Shrimadji Rajchandraji Shrimadji Letters Patrank – 913
Patrank - 913

Patrank – 913

Dharampur, Chaitra Vad 4, Wednesday, 1956

Received your letter. The state of tranquillity prevails here.

Suddenly, physical discomfort has arisen and that is being experienced with calmness; this was known to me, and so there was satisfaction.

All worldly beings, driven by karma, constantly keep experiencing manifestation of comfort-discomfort. Of them, mostly, the manifestation of discomfort alone is experienced. Sometimes or in association with some body, manifestation of comfort appears to be experienced more; but in reality, even there, the inner blaze alone is burning. The discomfort that even the omniscient one does not have words that can describe it, this soul has experienced such infinite infinite discomfort; and even now, if its causes are not destroyed, it will continue to experience, that is certain. Having known this, the thoughtful excellent men, became eager to seek the path that would permanently relinquish the inner blaze-like comfort and inner outer burning fire-like suffering of discomfort. And having sought that right path, having faith in it, having practiced it correctly, became absorbed in the innate, pure-natured supreme state of the self that is of the nature of unobstructed happiness.

The great ones who sought the root causes of the manifestation or experience of comfort-discomfort, such extraordinary, joyfully astonishing inclination would arise in them, that more than comfort, if there was manifestation of discomfort, and that too, when it manifested with greater intensity, their vigour would awaken more, would gain zealousness, and that time would appear greatly beneficial.

For some special reasons, they would take the medicines etc., appropriate for consumption from the practical point of view, remaining in self-discipline. But mostly, they would practice that supreme calmness alone as the best medication.

Mastering the view of seeing the self, that is eternally radiant due to its characteristic of consciousness, as separate from the physical body, energy body and karmic body; that self of the inherent nature of consciousness, due to continuously being of the nature to feel, until it attains the state of no bondage, it cannot remain without feeling the experiences of comfort and discomfort, determining thus; by becoming detached towards that flow of good and bad inclinations, the inclination that creates relationship with comfort-discomfort; by accepting the right path of completely giving up that flow of inclinations which is unsteady by nature, occurring in that self which is separate from the body etc. and remains in the limit of its own nature; that illuminating self which is of the nature of supremely pure consciousness, withdrawing from those inclinations with impurities caused due to association with karma; the way by which one can become calm, become steady in that awareness and in that self, become steadfast; only that focus, only that contemplation, only that reflection and only that natural state of being is worth bringing forth. That alone is the repeated counsel of the great ones.

For the aspirants who are seeking that right path, desiring to have faith in it, desiring to attain it, till the right path is fully accomplished, it is necessary to worship with supreme devotion the supremely dispassionate God; the Guru who is devout to the self, free from desires, and free from the knots of ignorance; the religious conduct rooted in supreme compassion, and the scriptures expounding supremely peaceful essence through mystical statements; which are the supreme causes for one’s welfare.

Here, I end this letter by quoting a verse I recall.

Bheesan narayagaiye, tiriyagaiye kudevmanuyagaiye;
Pattosi tivv dukham, bhaavhi Jinbhaavna jeev.

In the frightening hell, in animal form, and unfavourable celestial and human form of life, O soul! You underwent immense suffering, so at least now, contemplate-reflect on the Jina bhaavna (the supreme peaceful reflection that the Jina Bhagwan abided in the self as supreme peaceful essence) (so that such infinite sufferings are completely relinquished and supreme, unobstructed wealth of happiness is attained.)

Aum Peace Peace Peace


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