Home Wisdom Articles Wellness Matters of the Heart

Matters of the Heart

It is of paramount importance to take care of the heart – the life sustaining, vital organ of our body. Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty throws light on the causes, precautions and other aspects of cardiac diseases.

Q1. What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?

  • Diet – Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil.
  • Exercise – Half an hour’s walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a long time.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Control weight.
  • Control blood pressure and sugar.

Q2. Is eating fish good for the heart?


Q3. It is very shocking to hear that some apparently healthy person gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?

This is called a silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health check-ups.

Q4. Are heart diseases hereditary?


Q5. Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?

Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints.

Q6. Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?

Extremely rare.

Q7. Does cholesterol accumulate right from an early age or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?

Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.

Q8. How do irregular eating habits affect the heart?

You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body’s enzyme release for digestion gets confused.

Q9. How can we control cholesterol content without using medicines?

Control diet, walk and eat walnuts.

Q10. Can yoga prevent heart ailments?

Yoga helps.

Q11. Which is the best and worst food for the heart?

Fruits and vegetables are the best and the worst is oil.

Q12. Which oil is better – groundnut, sunflower, olive?

All oils are bad.

Q13. What is the routine check-up one should go through? Is there any specific test?

Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is okay. Check bloodpressure, treadmill test after an echo cardiogram.


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