Articles on Happiness

Excitement or Happiness?

Pujya Gurudevshri explains the science of excitement and throws light on the truth that true happiness lies in the silence…

Do I Need to Give Up Happiness to be Religious?

Absolutely not. Pujyashri Gurudev responds, “I am not asking you to give up happiness. I simply wish to show you…

The Secret of Happiness

We are constantly running after trifling joys and away from trivial sorrows. Pujya Gurudevshri reveals the fallacy behind them and…

5 Keys to Happiness

Never put the key of happiness in someone else’s pocket. Is Happiness now a ‘Home Production’ Or do you yet…

Patrank – 913

Dharampur, Chaitra Vad 4, Wednesday, 1956 Received your letter. The state of tranquillity prevails here. Suddenly, physical discomfort has arisen…

Life Lessons from Dabbawallas

The Dabbawallas deliver food to over 2,00,000 people daily in Mumbai. Through a symbol based system they have achieved nearly…

True Prosperity

Pujya Gurudevshri explains that the secret to prosperity is to explore one’s own Self to uncover the treasure trove of…

Without You I Cannot

O Master! Without You I cannot find solace anywhere in the world. As though You don’t know this? Then, having…

Celebrations and Botherations

Have you ever wondered how some people are always able to remain happy, no matter what happens? Try this experiment…

Reinforcing Relations – 1

Man suffers if he has not learnt how to gel with others; especially his near and dear ones. Pujya Gurudevshri…

Make Doubt a Means to Truth

To doubt is natural for an ignorant one. But very few pursue it, or even understand its importance in their…


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