Patrank – 80 V. S. 1945 The one whose feelings flow uninterrupted; whose thoughts of volition and irresolution have reduced; in whom the sprouts of intellect, detached from the five sense objects, have sprung; who has uprooted the cause of distress, who keeps practicing one pointed vision which is endowed with multi-faceted vision; who has just one pure inclination alone; may that illustrious one be victorious. We must try to be like that. Topicsdetachmentpatrankshrimad rajchandraji Quotes Only when you feel burnt by your blunders will you cease to repeat them. Like a river rushing to merge itself into the ocean, a seeker is inspired to dissolve his ego and identity in the Divine. Satsang gives clarity of purpose and enthusiasm to explore, experiment and experience. Fasting is to facilitate inwardness and not to announce to the world of a feat achieved. View All #SadguruWhispers Satsang gives clarity of purpose and enthusiasm to explore, experiment and experience. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates