Articles on Realisation

Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – From Suffering to Self-realisation

The path of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is the true and eternal path of the Jinas. Pujya Gurudevshri shows how Param…

Is Self-realisation Possible in Present Times?

One oft heard excuse for not pursuing spirituality is that the times are bad. Pujya Gurudevshri unequivocally refutes this misconception…

My Divine Teacher

Jignasha Mehta, regional head of Divinetouch Europe and Australia, head of Shrimad Rajchandra Divinetouch, London, and a teacher by profession…

Dharma – Philosophy or Experience?

What is dharma? Is it a philosophical exploration of the Truth? Or is it an experience of that which is…

What is True Knowledge?

Hoodwinked by our minds we know the world and ourselves only through our thoughts. Opening a new dimension Pujya Gurudevshri…

Excitement or Happiness?

Pujya Gurudevshri explains the science of excitement and throws light on the truth that true happiness lies in the silence…

I Put My Mind

O Master! I put my mind at Your Lotus Feet. Do whatever You wish to do with it. It has…


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