Quotes on Sadguru


Sadguru like a storm blows away your ego, attachments and insistences to reveal your inherent peace and beauty.

With a Sadguru in life, experience a legendary life of loving God, loving yourself and loving all.

Sadguru is where you find joy in bending and surrendering your ego.

Glory to the Sadguru who, instructs, inspects, inspires overcome all your shortcomings & help you reach your goal of Self-realisation.

Communication with the Sadguru, be it inner or outer, is essential for a disciple.

Human birth and a Sadguru in life are very rare and invaluable. What have you done with such precious gifts?

Glory to the Sadguru! He inspires us to pursue the goal of realising the Self that is unfamiliar and unseen.

After lives of pining for a Sadguru, you are blessed with a living Master. Now, don’t miss this chance & do satsang with great enthusiasm.

Glory to the Sadguru, whose external life is managed by karma, whilst He revels in the bliss of the Self.

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