Quotes on Seeker


Like a river rushing to merge itself into the ocean, a seeker is inspired to dissolve his ego and identity in the Divine.

A sincere seeker yearns for worthiness alone.

A seeker's love, faith & surrendership to his Enlightened Master, begins his inner journey.

A seeker's inner journey begins with love, faith, and surrender to his living Enlightened Master.

A seeker treats all, big or small, with dignity, respect and love.

External practices can be helpful, but a seeker focuses on practising inwardness.

For a seeker, discipline is pleasure, not pressure and pain.

The glory of a Master is that He never truly leaves. He leaves a legacy that continues to inspire seekers on the spiritual path.

A seeker is flexible. He adjusts to God's will, adapts to the challenges and adopts strategies to win the game of life.

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