Quotes on Dharma


Dharma will become your priority if you awaken to your death.

Dharma is not in doing but in being.

In this world, dharma is your true protector, benefactor and friend that will never abandon you in any situation.

Dharma explains the cause–effect relationship. Without a cause, there is no effect. Where anger is the cause, mental unrest is its inevitable effect.

Is your Dharma keeping you extrovert with an ever-active mind or has it turned you inward towards your peace centre?

Dharma is about Self-awareness, not sectarianism.

In the face of anger, your dharma is to remain peaceful, practice forgiveness & show love.

Celebrate the birth of Shri Ram, who inspires us to live dharma in any circumstance.

Dharma is not separate from the Enlightened One. When Dharma manifests in a form, it is called an Enlightened One.

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